Expressions of interest invited. 4.25 acres of prime brownfield site, benefitting from outline planning permission for the construction of 39 residential dwellings.
Description - Clackna Farm at Kilham consists of a prime brownfield site (outlined in red on the aerial image above) with a gross developable area of approximately 1.72 Ha (4.25 acres) and benefitting from outline planning permission for the construction of 39 residential dwellings. The site is well located within the village with two established access points onto East Street. To the south the site enjoys open views over beautiful rolling countryside forming the Yorkshire Wolds. The existing planning permission provides for a diverse housing mix to meet market demand including detached, semi-detached and terraced dwellings, together with bungalows. Kilham is a popular and attractive village located at the centre of attractive countryside and was once an important market town in the area. The village provides a good range of services and facilities including a junior school, garage with store, two public houses and playing fields. The historic core of the village is included in a Conservation Area which includes part of the site at Clackna Farm (outlined in red) The market town of Driffield is located approximately 6 miles to the south and provides a wide range of retail, service and leisure facilities including primary and secondary schools, doctors, hospital, supermarkets, professional services and a railway station. Clackna Farm has been operated as an agricultural machinery dealership until recently with a large area of concrete and hard-standing already in-situ to assist the construction process. Presently, the existing buildings remain on site, including an office suite which is well suited for use as a management and sales office whilst construction of the new dwellings takes place. Alternatively, the vendors will make arrangements for the modern portal framed buildings to be removed from site if required by a potential purchaser(s).
Additional Land - (outlined in blue above) extending to approximately 1.04 Ha located to the south of the site is also owned by the same vendors and available to purchase by separate negotiation. The additional land consists of a greenfield and access through the development site will be reserved to this field if it is retained by the vendors.
East Riding Of Yorkshire Local Plan (The Local Plan) - Kilham is identified as a "Rural Service Centre" in the Local Plan and considered to be a settlement where development to meet local community needs and sustainable economic growth is supported. The Local Plan Strategy Document for Kilham proposes 90 new homes to 2028/29. The site at Clackna was not originally allocated through the Local Plan Allocations process and has received Local Authority support subsequently following representations on behalf of the owners.
Planning Permission - Planning permission on the site area outlined in red was granted on the 9th July 2019 (Decision No. 17/01079/STOUT) The permission was based on a gross site area of 1.72 Ha and a proposed site layout plan for 39 dwellings together with Public Open Space. Full details of the planning permission are available from the Selling Agent and on the East Riding of Yorkshire website. The planning permission is subject to certain conditions and reserved matters. An application for the approval of reserved matters is to be made within 3 years from the date of the decision. Development of the site is to be begun not later than two years from the final approval of the reserved matters.
Section 106 Agreement - A Section 106 Agreement associated with the planning permission has been executed. Copies of the agreement are available from the Selling Agent.. On developing the site, the Section 106 Agreement requires, inter-alia, financial contributions. The Affordable Housing requirement is stated as 7 units In the Section 106 Agreement which are specifically identified as Plot numbers 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31 and 32.
Information Pack - The following additional information in relation to the site from the Selling Agent:
- Decision Notice
-Approved Plans and Elevations
-Existing Site Levels
Method Of Sale - The site is for sale by private treaty with expressions of interest invited. To be kept informed as to how the sale will be concluded interested parties should register with the selling agent. The Vendors are prepared to consider offers solely for the site with planing permission or offers for the additional land outlined in blue also.
Vat - The land has not been opted for tax to our knowledge. If any part of the property or any right attached to it is or becomes chargeable for the purposes of VAT, such tax will be payable by the Purchaser(s)(s) in addition to the purchase price.
Contaminated Land - The Vendor is not aware of any land having been filled with any contaminated matter referred to in the Environment Protection Act 1990. The Vendor does not give any guarantee or guarantees in this respect and advises the Purchaser(s)(s) to undertake enquiries and investigations, which may be necessary to satisfy themselves that none of this land is so filled.
Services - Mains water, electricity and foul drainage are connected to the site for the existing use.
Plans, Areas, Schedules And Information - The plans provided are for guidance only. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser(s) to verify the boundaries and area before completion.
Sporting And Mineral Rights - In so far as they are owned, the sporting and mineral rights are included in the sale.
Easements, Wayleaves And Rights Of Way - The land is to be sold with the benefit of all granted rights of way, water drainage, water courses, support, electricity supplies, light, other easements or quasi easements and restrictive covenants and all existing or proposed wayleaves for electricity, drainage, water, gas and any other pipes whether shown on the plan or indicated in these particulars or not and without any obligations to define the same respectively.
Please note that part of the site outlined in red is crossed by a Yorkshire Water rising main (100mm in diameter) for pumped sewage.
Tenure - The land is for sale Freehold with vacant possession available on completion.
Title - Title to the land is registered: YEA50437
Uplift Provision - Offers for the land to the south (approximately 1.04 Ha) will also be considered by the vendors subject to an Uplift Provision, payable in the event that permission is granted for an alternative use.
Viewing And Further Information - Viewings strictly by appointment only. Contact Oliver Stones MRICS FAAV. Tel: 01377 253151/07912 481162. Email:
Particulars: Prepared July 2019
Photographs: 2019
Disclaimer: Dee Atkinson & Harrison for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property, whose Agents they are, give notice that these particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a Contract. No person in the employment of Dee Atkinson & Harrison has any authority to make any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
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